It’s Been A Week?!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, haven’t had much motivation because nothing that exciting or fun has been happening around these parts.  There is some good news though…Rob got himself a part time job at the Science Centre!! Yay 🙂  He doesn’t start for another couple of weeks which is a bit strange but whatevs.
I worked 2 days this week as a temp in a head office so high five for that, still applying for jobs all the time and following up etc…good times.

Piggy bank from German bank HASPA, around 1970.

Piggy bank from German bank HASPA, around 1970. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hopefully more jobs come my way because my piggy bank is getting a little lower than I’d like and I would feel a whole lot better with it topped up.  (But don’t worry Mum and Dad, I’m not gonna be homeless and hungry any time soon!)

That’s pretty much all that’s happened in our house in the last week, oh but we did get a new front door and a new bathroom door put in!  Wow, how could I almost forget that exciting little tidbit?  We’ve decided as well to eat a little healthier and I’ve started exercising again.  Figured there’s nothing else to do while looking for employment so I might as well get a bit healthier while I can and get into a routine that I’ll want to keep up if/when I find a job!

We’re also trying really hard everyday to remain positive and not let the lack of call backs/interviews/money get us down.  We definitely thought when we moved here in November that we’d both have full time jobs by now and that hasn’t happened so it has been a little rough (to say the least).  Because of our lack of a job we haven’t really been out much either because obviously we want to save our money, therefore we also aren’t meeting anyone which has made it even harder.  It’ll happen soon enough and we’ll quickly forget how hard this time was I’m sure.  With Rob having a part time job now at least that’s a step in the right direction and things can only get better from here.

Some good news to end on…the sun has been out 2 days in a row!!  It’s bloody freezing now that there’s no clouds but wow does it ever help with the positivity when it’s not a tsunami outside every day all day.
It’s a really beautiful day so we’ll definitely have to get outside and enjoy it (for free) 🙂

Some words of wisdom to help with the positivity:

Photos via: 1.  2.  3.  4.

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