Back in the UK!

We’ve been back in England for just over a week now, staying at my parents house in Wiltshire and planning our next move.  Rob is from Manchester but we’re going to be living down South, closer to my family so I’m close by to help out whenever they need.  We’ve been looking into living in Bristol and decided to go for the day on Thursday to have a look around and get a feel for the place.  The weather was perfect and we ended up walking almost 9 miles over the course of 6 hours, getting to see almost every corner of the city including the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the University, Cabot Circus and Bristol Harbourside.

Here are some pictures from our day out in Bristol:

We both really liked the city and could see ourselves living there.  The next steps are finding jobs and a place to live!  This is the bit that I wish was easier.  Every year for the last three years now we’ve had to start from scratch whether it was Australia, Vancouver and now here. It’s exciting of course but also very difficult.  This time around we’ve got my family to stay with at least so that will help massively.

The job hunt starts now!

Thanks for reading!
